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Extenua “End-to-End Storage Security” Automated Dynamic Encryption Key Management System

Extenua “End-to-End Storage Security” Automated Dynamic & Stateless Encryption Key Management System

No Key Stored Anywhere - Defeating Common Cyber-Attacks

SAN JOSE, CA--(PRNewswire) - Extenua Inc., a pioneering developer of the world’s most advanced methods of cybersecurity software purpose built for today’s hostile environments, announces its revolutionary End-to-End Storage Security (ETESS) providing automated dynamic and stateless encryption key management in response to the critical industry needs which are facing ever increasing massive and destructive cyber-attacks.  With ETESS Dynamic Key management encryption keys are generated in RAM at the precise moment they are needed and only remain there until the data is encrypted or decrypted.  The key is then wiped clean from RAM with a DoD secure erasure algorithm.  No key is ever stored anywhere which is instrumental in defeating many of the common cybersecurity vulnerabilities known to exist with traditional static key management systems.  Extenua’ s ETESS takes security to an additional level by slicing data in to smaller fragments, stripping it of all metadata and encrypting each chunk of data with a unique encryption key.  These encrypted chunks of data are then scattered around in random directories that reside in many locations to ensure against even brute force attacks, government snooping or FISA warrants served to your cloud service provider.  

ETESS is a product feature built into Extenua’ s Cloud2Drive™ and SaferNAS™ products.  Extenua’s products are software-only solutions that present cloud object storage as virtual network drives on Windows operating system, Windows Server with network attached storage or as folders with Android or iOS devices.  You now have unlimited amounts of secure storage available on demand and you may utilize any cloud vendors’ object-based storage such as Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Blob storage, IBM Cloud object storage or any OpenStack standard cloud object-based storage.  More information may be found on our website at: 

Cloud2Drive ETESS and SaferNAS enable unlimited scalability of cloud object-based storage on-demand for today’s hybrid cloud architectures.  Further, there is no complexity or single point of failure – no VPNs, no gateways, no proxy, no-bottlenecks.  

  • ETESS is not susceptible to common successful attacks such as man-in-the-middle MITM attacks
  • ETESS is not susceptible to endpoint attacks which steal a stored encryption key
  • ETESS never allows the actual encryption keys to be stored anywhere!
  • ETESS generates keys and destroys keys dynamically in RAM at the moment the key is needed to encrypt or decrypt the chunk or slice of the data
  • ETESS generated encryption Keys are always generated at the end node for absolute control
  • ETESS is generating many unique keys developed based on a set of rules and circumstances that trigger a specific transformation of the random pool
  • ETESS uses Eliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman with our unique assembling and decrypting the random pool while calculating each transformation of the pool then extracting Initialization Vectors and Keys from the pool thus encrypting/decrypting the file chunks at each endpoint independently


“There is no safer way to secure unstructured data than with ETESS” said Federico Simonetti, Founder and CTO of Extenua, “We started with a clean slate approach to solve this enormous problem of Big Data’s need for a new approach to encryption and key management.  What we designed is the most secure method to utilize encryption known today and is the easiest key management system to deploy and manage because it is fully automated and dynamic.”  

“Enterprises large and small face security challenges in taking advantage of the productivity and economics of cloud storage. Extenua Cloud2Drive and SaferNAS with ETESS makes shared cloud storage secure, easy-to-access and simple to deploy with either new or existing cloud storage deployments and providers” said Steve Visconti, Extenua Chief Executive Officer “Applying superior encryption methods with a fully automated dynamic encryption key management platform is truly a game changing technology which is very much needed in today’s hostile environment.  The enterprise require superior protection with less complexity in order to avoid the many well publicized attacks recently reported by Equifax, Yahoo, Uber and many more”.  

About Extenua

Extenua Inc. is an award-winning developer of enterprise security software that simplifies and secures cloud storage technologies in revolutionary ways. Extenua’ s customers include Fortune 500 companies IBM, Fujitsu, Boeing, Nokia, Sony, Toyota, Kaiser Permanente, US Bank and Motorola as well as government institutions, security agencies, and thousands of small and mid-size businesses. Additional information about Extenua and Cloud2Drive is available at Extenua Inc. is a privately-held corporation based in San Jose, California.

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